The Blue Dreams USA Farm

A Moment, A Mindset, A Perfect State of Mind

Nestled in a 25-acre agricultural land, located in Frederick, Maryland. It is strategically located about an hour drive from major cities of Washington, DC; Baltimore, Maryland; Northern Virginia, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; and West Virginia. Through hardwork and perseverance, our dream to develop this land into our home became true and we accomplished this challenging project. Living in our farm since March 2014 has inspired and allowed us to think beyond what we can produce in our land, but more importantly, how our passion for the things we do here will bring others in our journey to appreciate nature even more. Since 2014, we worked hard in improving the land and today, its beauty and natural elegance continue to shine.

Lavender Field

As you enter our farm you will be greeted by lavenders, roses and other flowering plants. We are excited to plant lavenders and enjoy them in summer.

The lavender field has provided a haven for butterflies and bumblebees. They scent and gorgeous colors provide hope for a beautiful “Blue Gold” and our piece of paradise

Rose Gardens

Imelda’s love for roses inspired Jeff to create some rose gardens. Together, we planted roses that are bursting in colors in spring to summer time. Complemented with other flowers, surrounding forest of trees, natural rocks formation and hilly land, the natural surrounding is truly a gift.

Beautiful Back Views

The back view is something to behold overlooking our neighbor’s vineyards and nature’s vista. We can see through many miles away including Union Bridge.


Blue Dreams Farm has its own mini-forest surrounding the open area. The almost ten acres of forest space is one that we value that in July 2014, we entered in Forest Stewardship Plan with the State of Maryland. This means that we are committed to keeping the trees surrounding our open space and to maintain this forest through effective weed control practices and crop tree management.

In our farms, we have black walnut, black cherry, green ash, chestnut oak, red oak, beech and other trees. In addition to these trees we also planted evergreens like Norway Spruces. We also plan to have some fruit bearing trees in the future.

These trees have provided a haven not only for deers, but also a great spring green coverage and an autumn foliage during Fall time. The vibrant red, yellow and orange colors provide an amazing view of our farm.

It's A Moment. A Mindset. A Perfect State of Mind

In this space we feel it is a moment where we can simply enjoy natural surroundings, a mindset free from worries and stresses, and an environment that inspires faith, hope and dreams. We feel blessed for this wonderful creation from the Almighty. To us, our farm represents a perfect state of mind where we know in our hearts that what we are doing is honoring and celebrating nature. We are at peace and joyful taking care of our farm through planting vegetables, flowers and trees, creating havens for butterflies and bees. In our own little ways, we are giving back to the community through the work that we do, right here in Blue Dreams USA.

Our farm is also a place to celebrate the power of our hearts, mind and hands. Beyond technology, it is a place to inspire our dreams, to connect with people who care about nature and Mother Earth. It is a place where we plan to showcase nature’s beauty through the value-added products from our plants, arts, music and other things we are currently doing and planning to do. Through this, we hope to share our learning to our community, preserve and honor artisanal quality products made from natural ingredients and materials lovingly conceived from a passionate heart, from a creative nature-loving mind, and crafted by hardworking persevering hands.

As nature is a universal form of music and art, a sight and a gift from Mother Earth, we consider it a place for our family and friends to connect and thrive with nature. We want our farm to be a place to engage in environment-friendly and artistic collaboration within our community and around the world. We hope that through our farm you and I can meet to share nature’s bountiful gifts through the food we eat, the care we give to our body, a nature-inspired living and an inspiration for arts and music.

Lavender, Roses & Tea Inspiring Gifts of Nature's Beauty. Our Specialty Handmade Lovingly!

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